October 6, 2024

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OHL suspends Sarnia Sting coach Alan Letang indefinitely

The Ontario Hockey League has indefinitely suspended Sarnia Sting head coach Alan Letang, the league announced on Saturday.

The announcement did not provide any details for the suspension, other than “as a result of actions” during a 4-2 loss to the Saginaw Spirit on on March 22.

The game was a penalty-filled affair, with 21 minor penalties, four fighting majors and 15 various misconducts meted out to the two teams.

Two game misconducts for abuse of an official were assessed to Sarnia late in the third period, with the Sarnia Observer reporting they were handed to Letang and assistant coach Micheal Haley.

The Sting have only one game remaining in the regular season and have been eliminated from playoff contention.

Letang, 48, coached Canada at the recent World Junior Hockey Championship, where the team placed fifth.

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